Military chaplains are harnessed with the imposing tasks of advisement and support with responsibilities that vary and intensify at each successive level of command. Satisfying the operational needs of military leaders and the religious needs of warriors and their families requires intellectual and spiritual dexterity. This program of study is designed to enhance both. The core courses explore a broad range of topics related both to chaplaincy tasks and to the vocational life of the individual chaplain.
Wesley is currently recruiting for the next cohort for the Military Chaplains track beginning March 2026. This track is structured as an online track with two required residential sessions in Washington, D.C. The remainder of the required courses will be taught on-line. Students are required to complete 30 hours of course work plus a project and a project paper. Course work requirements consist of eight required courses and two elective courses for a total of 30 credit hours which may be taken on-campus, on-line or as a study trip offered by the seminary.
All students are required to complete a project within the topic of their study, give a public demonstration of their work and write a project thesis.
Anticipated graduation for this track is May 2029.